というわけなのですが、家の中は相変わらず汚い。確定申告は、半分くらい終わった。明日は残りの領収書の発掘作業をせねば。とにかく部屋の片付けとノーパソのセットアップか。あ、Air きたよ。
I got a new Mac. I have to transfer my data and applications from MacBook in a week. I’m worried about forgetting important data. I set up “back to my mac”, but I think it’s too slow to use from NZ. I hope my programs work properly during my trip.
I should have change my blog theme before I go. But I think I will be able to get enough free time in NZ to design it. I don’t have any plans after school days.
Today’s priority is cleaning my terribly messy room, and finding receipts for tax return.